Warner Youth Sports Association

Board of Directors

The Board consists of seven directors, elected by a majority of the members present and voting at each annual meeting. Each director holds office for two years and until his or her successor has been elected and qualified.

Elections are supposed to be held at an annual meeting of the membership every April. However, due to lack of volunteers, most positions have been filled in the past by a majority vote of the remaining directors once a volunteer has been found. See the WYSA Bylaws for details.

Nathan Kendrick
Departing 2024
Vice President
Since 2022
Larissa Downey
Joined 2024
Aarika Reynolds
Departing 2024
Softball Director
Becky Sevigny
Departing Spring 2024
Baseball Director
Tyler Peterson
Departing 2025
Soccer Director
Since Fall 2023
Skiing / Snowboarding Director
Glen Moyer
Since 2018?

Other Volunteers

Social Media Manager
Matt Esenwine & Tim Dryer
Since 2024
Fundraising Coordinator
Since Fall 2022
Volunteer Coordinator
Since 2020
Web Site and TeamSnap Admin
Nathan Kendrick
For foreseable future...

Useful Information

Sunrise and Sunset information for Warner, NH.

Guidebook for New Hampshire Charitable Organizations

Guidance on Pecuniary Benefit Transactions

NH Charitable Trusts Unit Free Trustee Training and Resources

Bookkeeping tutorials

When are charitable receipts required?

Donation receipt requirements

NH Quick Start for filing annual report.

Free Training Videos at the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS).

U.S. Soccer Learning Center