Our Board of Directors consists of seven volunteers, elected by a majority of the members present and voting at each annual meeting. Each director holds office for two years and until his or her successor has been elected and qualified. Elections are supposed to be held at an annual meeting of the membership every April. However, due to lack of volunteers, most positions have been filled in the past by a majority vote of the remaining directors once a volunteer has been found. See the WYSA Bylaws for details.
WYSA is a 501(c)3 non-profit. We receive NO funding from the Town of Warner, State of New Hampshire, or other government. All of our revenue comes from donations by individuals, local business sponsorships, our own fundraisers, and registration fees of participants. Our board, sports directors, and coaches are all unpaid volunteers. Youth referees and umpires receive a small stipend; adults frequently volunteer their time. The Town of Warner Parks and Recreation Department provides field maintenance and has purchased a few items of equipment: e.g. line painting carts and ball throwers.
In the past, WYSA fundraising has included a lemonade stand at the Warner Fall Foliage Festival, the Hero Hustle 5K at the Spring into Warner, snack shack sales at games, promotional sales with local businesses, and hosting soccer tournaments. However, due to reduced volunteers, we've shifted our fundraising to selling advertising banners which we hang at the playing fields, as this requires much less hours of work for the funds received.
Our team uniform sponsors have remained a reliable source of funds every year.
The Outing Club
Bradford-Newbury-Sutton Youth Sports